Individual study arrangements

At Tampere University, individual study arrangements are meant to support the students in studying and reaching their learning outcomes. The individual study arrangement practices are used to ensure students’ equality as well as possible. Below is a short overview of individual study arrangements. More specific information about individual study arrangements are available in the Student’s Handbook.

Who is eligible for individual study arrangements?

All our students are eligible for individual study arrangements if they have a formally diagnosed learning difficulty or an illness, disability or other medical condition that may affect their ability to undertake or demonstrate learning. Students requesting individual study arrangements have to provide a medical certificate. The different types of learning difficulties may impede a student’s ability to read, write or stay focused. Medical conditions that may warrant individual study arrangements include physical illnesses, such as neurological illnesses or musculoskeletal disorders, and mental disorders, such as depression or anxiety disorder.

What individual study arrangements are available?

Individual study arrangements are tailored to the needs of the individual student and the expected learning outcomes of courses and degrees. This means that the types of arrangements may vary depending on the learning outcomes. At Tampere University, individual study arrangements can include

  • additional time
  • the use of electronic or technical aids
  • quiet exam facilities
  • extended loan period for course books
  •  special exam rooms
  • other arrangements or support provided by the teacher

To get individual study arrangements, you need to contact the University’s student counselling services first. For more detailed instructions on how to apply for individual study arrangements, please see the University’s Student’s Guide and the Student life section.

The University can order a test on reading or mathematical learning disabilities if necessary. The University’s special exam facilities are also available for both Tampere Universities.

How to request individual study arrangements

To be granted individual study arrangements, you first have to contact the University’s Educational Support Services. The team will get back to you to schedule a personal appointment.More information about obtaining individual study arrangements can be found in the Student’s Handbook.