Study and guidance services

The University has a number of support providers to help you with both study and coping issues!

Study services

In addition to the guidance and counselling provided by faculties and degree programmes, common study services offer all students opportunities to discuss things. Study psychologists and career counsellors also offer guidance services for all students. You can find more information about the Student Affairs Office from Intra.

Guidance and counselling services

Degree programmes and faculties are largely responsible for study guidance. University-wide guidance and counselling services are:

The student counsellors, who will help you navigate university life, set future goals and explore your study options. You do not need to know exactly what is bothering you when you go see a student counsellor. You can also go see a student counsellor when you want to discuss your own situation with an outsider.    

The study psychologist will help you on matters such as study skills, stress, procrastination and motivation. You can also go see the study psychologist if you want to discuss reconciling studies with difficult situations in life or specific problems.

The career counsellor will help you explore your own competences, wishes and plans for your working life. The career counsellor can also give comments on your job applications or help you with issues related to job search or career plans.You can find more about Guidance and counselling services from Student’s Handbook.

The faculties have slight differences as to the titles on the campuses. So don’t be confused if people use different terms to describe the same thing. Within faculties and degree programmes, the guidance and counselling services include the following people:

Education specialists coordinate student admissions, the curriculum planning of degree programmes and student counselling in faculties. Education specialists always work for a specific degree programme or programmes.

The study counsellors mainly work on the Hervanta campus, and each engineering degree programme has one. Study counsellors are usually students from the same degree programme. Their duties are to guide students in the making of their PSP and to counsel them on issues related to study plans.

PSP supervisors are mainly teachers who work on the city centre campus, and they help students plan their studies at the beginning. They can also steer students in the right direction when picking optional studies. On Hervanta campus, similar guidance is given by academic tutors. The academic tutors give guidance to students at the beginning of their studies and keep track of their study path.